Friday, December 21, 2007

Aliyah for Dummies - Step 1

When I first started thinking about Aliyah I researched the Internet and found a lot of stuff out there. Sometimes though it is hard to see the trees through the forest. Where do I start?? How do I wade through all the information out there and get to the nuts and bolts? So, as I go through the process I will continue to post steps. Look for Aliyah for Dummies - Step 1, Step 2, Step 3, and so on.

Probably the most helpful site to begin with is the Nefesh B'Nefesh web site which you can find at: One of the links you will find on the Nefesh B'Nefesh site is "Aliyah 101." That is excellent for helping you through the process. The following is taken directly from the mission statement on their site:

The core mission of NBN is to revitalize Aliyah and to substantially increase the number of future olim by removing the financial, professional and logistical obstacles that prevent many individuals from actualizing their dreams. In the process of fulfilling our mission, we aim to educate and inspire the Jews of the Diaspora as to the centrality of the Jewish State to the Jewish people and its desirability as a Jewish home. Such enhanced awareness will send an unmistakable signal of Anglo-Israeli Jewish solidarity and of our mutual determination to strengthen the State of Israel and thereby increase the likelihood of an ever expanding Aliyah reality.

NBN provides comprehensive support for olim by directly interfacing with them, both in the pre-and post-Aliyah stages. We offer financial assistance, employment resources, social services and guidance through governmental absorption procedures in order to help make each individual's Aliyah as successful as possible.

In 2006, NBN extended its Aliyah expertise and success experience in initial efforts to assist in boosting aliyah from the United Kingdom.

More on Nefesh B'Nefesh in future postings.


Before you can do anything you need to get an Aliyah Shaliach. A What? Aliyah Shlichim represent the Jewish Agency of Israel. This is the sole legal entity outside of Israel that can authorize an indivicual to make aliyah under Israel's Law of Return. It is the Aliyah Shaliach that gives approval for you to make Aliyah to Israel. They are a wonderful resource and will send you all the proper forms as well as lead you through the process. To get an Aliyah Shaliach, go to the Nefesh B'Nefesh Aliyah Shlichim Directy to find the nearest one to your area. The web address is:

My Aliyah Shaliach emailed me all the necessary forms I need at the beginning point along with information about some communities and absorption programs. In the next posting I will write about these.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Avi, where are you and your wife planning on living when you get to Israel? In a city, on a moshav, ..? I'm really excited for you :)